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be published 예문


  • Since now they'll never be published, you've lost your leverage.
    앞으론 공개될 일 없으니 당신은 칼자루를 잃었어요
  • To make sure his paper was published.
    지장이 되는 일이 없길 바라셨을 겁니다
  • It was more of a private conversation that's being published.
    기사거리가 될 개인적인 대화 같은 거에요
  • This book was published in France without permission of the Writer's Union.
    이 책은 프랑스에서 출판됐어 작가동맹의 허락 없이
  • So that you can be published.
    하지만 제가 온 후로도 선생님이
  • Because all the people applying for peds fellowships, they've all been published.
    전 아프리카에서 아픈 애들을 많이 데려왔잖아요
  • It must be published.
    만약 너라는, 한 인도인이 이 공식들로 정상에 선다 치자
  • Your debut novel will be published!
    데뷔도 결정됐어요 대형 신인의...
  • Nothing that has been published.
    출판 된 것들은 없어요
  • Or maybe he'd think it should be published.
    남편 충격이 크겠지
  • If this was published in 1978, this helps narrow down the age of the killer.
    만약 이게 1978년에 발간된거라면 이건 범인의 나이 범위를 좁히는데 도움이 될거야
  • You can read it. "Dear Susan, I've written a novel that will be published in the spring.
    읽어주세요 '야행성 동물 에드워드 셰필드' "수잔, 잘 있었어 봄에 나올 내 소설이야"
  • And when someone manage to sneak a photograph of me, I always bought them up before they could be published.
    누군가가 몰래 찍었을 땐 보도되기 전에 매수해버렸다
  • Well, then you know that her last article was published the day of the assassination, and she hasn't been heard from since.
    그럼, 당신도 그녀의 마지막 기사가 "암살의 그 날"이라는 것도 알고 있겠군요 그녀 소식은 이후로 듣지 못했습니다
  • Right, now I saw from my notes that you've been published, so I imagine you got some sort of advance on this new book?
    그러네요, 출판한 책이 있다고 메모해놨었네요. 그럼 당신의 새 책에 대한
  • B., I've written a memoir and two novels, one of which is my thesis project and which will be published by Minton-Hardman in the fall.
    B. 저는 회고록 하나와 두 장편소설을 썼고, 그 중 하나는 학위논문 프로젝트였으며 올 가을에 Minton-Hardman에서 출판될 예정입니다
  • Well, one of my agents came across a paper he wrote, it was published, about the corruption of government and the banking system and its negative impact on society.
    제 요원 중 한명이 동생분이 쓴 논문을 우연히 봤습니다 공개되있던건데, 정부와 은행시스템의 부패, 그리고 그로인해 사회에 끼치는 부정적영향에 대한 것이었죠
  • Mr. Solloway, James Frey asserts that prior to the... the memoir craze, as he refers to it, in the '90s, his A Million Little Pieces would have been published as fiction.
    작가님, James Frey작가는 회고록이 유행하기전인 90년대였다면 자신의 작품 A Million Little Pieces도 소설로 출판됐을 거라는 말씀을 하신 적이 있는데 (James Frey의 2003년 作. 소설을 회고록으로 속여 출판)
  • Whatever is published in certain medical journals such as the Journal of Ortho-Molecular Medicine of which I am assistant editor whatever is being published in our journal for the last forty-one years and that's hundreds of papers, none of that is indexed by the US National Library of Medicine
    예를 들어 '분자 교정 의학 저널'의 편집 조수는 저입니다. 그리고
  • It was published by Princeton University Press in 1939.
    그것은 프린스턴 대학 출판부에 의해 1939 년에 출판되었다.
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